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Re: [xsl] Saxon for C/PHP/Python/etc

2013-09-27 07:23:29
What about a JNI interface for the API provided by Saxon? This would
avoid dependencies on any additional translator.

On 27/09/2013, Dr O'Neil Delpratt <oneil(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com> wrote:
Dear XSLT community,

I have recently been looking at the possbilities of making XSLT 2.0/3.0
processor available to the C/C++ world.
At present there seems to be a real shortage or a lack of support for
anything greater than XSLT 1.0 (i.e libxslt, Xalan, etc).

The benefits are clearly to be seen: having a fullfledged XSLT 2.0 in C
would be great for the PHP/Python/Ruby/... communities, who currently
rely on libxslt.

So I have been looking at tools that can convert Saxon to native machine
code. Namely LLVM and GCJ.

I have had much better success using GCJ given that I managed to compile
Saxon-HE to native machine code and actually get it to execute some
stylesheets without any problems.
However is GCJ the right technology to use for the task of converting
Java code to native machine code, since it is somewhat obsolete?

The LLVM project seems much more active, but I am finding it difficult
to get anything working. I have tried the VMKit which relies on LLVM to
compile some helloworld examples to machine code, but even that seems

I would be grateful for feedback from anyone with experience of these

Kind regards,


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