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Re: [xsl] xsl:import and use-when

2014-05-15 21:09:35

On 16-5-2014 2:49, Rushforth, Peter 
peter(_dot_)rushforth(_at_)nrcan-rncan(_dot_)gc(_dot_)ca wrote:
With regard to statically known available documents [2], the spec says that 
statically known documents [3] in the static context [4] are used to provide 
static type information, not to determine which documents are available.  But 
if a document is statically known, it is potentially available using the 
doc() function, hence I think the use of doc-available() in use-when should 
be legal, although if it isn't it isn't.

You are quoting the XPath spec here, which allows enough breath for host
languages to provide a list of statically available documents. However,
in the section that you also refered to,
http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/#conditional-inclusion, you should scroll
down until the bottom of the first table, there is says:

Statically known documents     None
Statically known collections     None

which may be a bit of an unpleasant surprise, which is why this was
relaxed in the XSLT 3.0 specification, as Michael Kay mentioned in his
previous reply.

If you have the ability to use an XSLT 3.0 processor, you may be able to
use this feature.


Abel Braaksma
Exselt XSLT 3.0 streaming processor
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