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Re: [xsl] Copy all attributes except except some

2014-06-10 18:58:33

On 11-6-2014 1:49, Abel Braaksma (Exselt) abel(_at_)exselt(_dot_)net wrote:
On 11-6-2014 1:05, Philipp Kursawe phil(_dot_)kursawe(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com 
I am using:
<xsl:copy-of select="@*[local-name() != 'signed']"/>
Because of the way != works, this will usually give you all attributes

Sorry, that was not clearly/correctly written down. I was writing that
with the syntax later on in the mail in my mind. I meant to say (should
have said): if there are sequences on both ends of the != sign, the
expression is only true if all of the left is unequal to all on the
right, which is not what you needed.

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