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Re: [xsl] XPath 1.0 challenge: select all XML Schema element declarations with type string

2015-07-20 13:28:35

I believe that in its most general form this problem doesn't have a
pure XPath 1.0 solution (though it is easy if we are allowed to use
XSLT 1.0).

We either need the feature of range variables, or the feature of being
able to specify a function call as the last location step in a path

I came to the same conclusion, though I’m always reluctant to say that 
something’s impossible. Essentially you need to examine the namespace nodes to 
map the prefix to a URI, and that involves a join, and joins are restricted in 
XPath 1.0 by the absence of range variables - XPath 1.0 is not “relationally 
complete” in Codd’s sense.

Michael Kay
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