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Re: [xsl] Which is less expensive group by or select distinct-values

2016-07-16 14:20:28
>>>I had thought about using keys, but I don't think they would work. So the rest of the requirement is that I have a single file that includes all the 4,000 topics. I create a summary report of all the topics first (which I could see using keys for), but then I step through the content and need to report the details per topic which is where I couldn't see a way to make use of the keys. So the source file has this structure:


At 04:53 AM 7/16/2016, Tony Graham tgraham(_at_)antenna(_dot_)co(_dot_)jp wrote:
Another option that you could try to see how it affects memory usage [1]:

<xsl:key name="terms" match="term[empty(@keyref)]" use="true()" />

<data type="topicreport" name="WDTermList">
   <xsl:value-of separator=", ">
       <xsl:perform-sort select="distinct-values(key('terms', true()))">
           <xsl:sort select="." />

(borrowing the xsl:perform-sort idea from Martin Honnen, and assuming that the context node is the document element.)


Tony Graham.

Danny Vint

Panoramic Photography

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