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Re: [xsl] Case-insensitive filter match for template wanted

2017-03-28 04:39:30
On 28.03.2017 11:35, Kerry, Richard richard(_dot_)kerry(_at_)atos(_dot_)net 

So I tried:

<x:template match="section[ parameter/@name='Rule' ][ upper-case(
parameter/value/@entry ) = 'INPUT' ]" mode="processes" >

But that gives me (using Saxon HE9.7.0.5):

“A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first argument
of upper-case() ("INPUT", .....”

Ok, I can see that is telling me I'm expecting too much from the system
and it can't do the template match with the upper-case function applying
to all the possible parameter/value/@entry values.


<x:template match="section[ parameter/@name='Rule' ][parameter/value[upper-case(@entry) = 'INPUT' ]]" mode="processes" >
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