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[xsl] [ANN] Balisage 2017 Program Announced

2017-05-17 13:27:21
Balisage: The Markup Conference
2017 Program Now Available

Balisage: where serious markup practitioners and theoreticians meet every 

The 2017 program includes papers discussing XML vocabularies,
cutting-edge digital humanities, lossless JSON/XML roundtripping,
reflections on concrete syntax and abstract syntax, parsing and
generation, web app development using the XML stack, managing test
cases, pipelining and micropipelinging, electronic health records,
rethinking imperative algorithms for XSLT and XQuery, markup and
intellectual property, why YOU should use (my favorite XML vocabulary),
developing a system to aid in studying manuscripts in the tradition of
the Ethiopian and Eritrean Highlands, exploring "shapes" in RDF and
their relationship to schema validation, exposing XML data to users of
varying technical skill, test-suite management, and use case studies
about large conversion applications, DITA, and SaxonJS.

Up-Translation and Up-Transformation: A one-day Symposium on the goals,
challenges, solutions, and workflows for significant XML enhancements,
including approaches, tools, and techniques that may potentially be used
for a variety of other tasks. The symposium will be of value not only to
those facing up-translation and transformation but also to general XML
practitioners seeking to get the most out of their data.

Are you interested in open information, reusable documents, and vendor
and application independence? Then you need descriptive markup, and
Balisage is your conference. Balisage brings together document
architects, librarians, archivists, computer scientists, XML
practitioners, XSLT and XQuery programmers, implementers of XSLT and
XQuery engines and other markup-related software, semantic-Web
evangelists, standards developers, academics, industrial researchers,
government and NGO staff, industrial developers, practitioners,
consultants, and the world's greatest concentration of markup theorists.
Some participants are busy designing replacements for XML while other
still use SGML (and know why they do).

Discussion is open, candid, and unashamedly technical.

Balisage 2017 Program:

Symposium Program:

Balisage: The Markup Conference 2016          
August 2-5, 2016                               http://www.balisage.net
Preconference Symposium: August 1, 2016                +1 301 315 9631
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  • [xsl] [ANN] Balisage 2017 Program Announced, B Tommie Usdin btusdin(_at_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com <=