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Re: [xsl] Can I use xsl:key to select elements up to certain ancestor

2017-08-30 17:20:06

And then I was doing the following to find all ancestors that share the same 
"topic ancestor":

<xsl:variable name="ancestors-in-topic" 
 select="ancestor-or-self::*[ancestor-or-self::* = $topic]" as="element()*"/>

This did not what I expected and also wasted a lot of resources because the 
predicate was true for all or most elements. After some testing I went with 

<xsl:variable name="ancestors-in-topic" 
 select="ancestor-or-self::*[ancestor-or-self::*/generate-id() = 
generate-id($topic)]" as="element()*"/>

You're looking for ancestors of the context item that are descendants of $topic 
(with a possible -or-self thrown in).

The challenge here is to avoid making this quadratic in the length of the 
ancestor axis. Your code is effectively saying "for every ancestor, find every 
ancestor and test it".

Use of the "=" operator is a bad mistake: this compares string values of nodes, 
which involves examining all the descendants: it's not only inefficient, it 
also gives the wrong answer.

I think the simplest solution is (ancestor-or-self::* except 
$topic/ancestor::*) but this is still rather inefficient (it will also return 
nodes in document order so you may need to reverse() the result). I've often 
wished there was an "until" operator in XPath that selects all items in a 
sequence up to the first where a condition is true:

ancestor-or-self::* until (self::* is $topic)

and you can write this yourself as a higher-order extension function in 3.0:

<xsl:function name="f:until" as="item()*">
  <xsl:param name="seq" as="item()*"/>
  <xsl:param name="condition" as="function(item()) as xs:boolean"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="
     if (empty($seq)) 
     then () 
     else if ($condition(head($seq))
     then head($seq)
     else (head($seq), f:until(tail($seq), $condition))"/>

and you could invoke this as

f:until(ancestor-or-self::*, function($x){$x is $topic})

Of course you could also write a less generic recursive function:

<xsl:function name="nodes-until" as="item()*">
  <xsl:param name="seq" as="item()*"/>
  <xsl:param name="target" as="node()"/>
  <xsl:sequence select="
     if (empty($seq)) 
     then () 
     else if ($target is head($seq))
     then head($seq)
     else (head($seq), nodes-until(tail($seq), $target))"/>

f:nodes-until(ancestor::*, $topic)

Michael Kay

<xsl:variable name="ancestors-in-topic" 
 select="ancestor-or-self::*[some $ancestor-or-self::* is $topic)]" 

Since that calculation is done very often I am wondering if xsl:key could be 
used to speed things up?

Any pointers are very welcome, as always, thanks,

- Michael

PS: My sample XML and XSLT below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bars id="x0">
 <bar id="x1">
   <bar id="x11">
     <bar id="x12">
         <bar id="x13">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"; 
xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; version="2.0">
 <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="no"/>
 <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

 <xsl:template match="p">
   <xsl:variable name="topic" select="ancestor-or-self::*[@id][1]" 
   <xsl:variable name="ancestors-in-topic" 
select="ancestor-or-self::*[ancestor-or-self::*/generate-id() = 
generate-id($topic)]" as="element()*"/>
     <xsl:attribute name="topic" select="$topic/@id"/>
     <xsl:text>Ancestors: </xsl:text>
      <xsl:sequence select="$ancestors-in-topic/name()"/> 

 <xsl:template match="* | @*">
     <xsl:apply-templates select="@*, node()"/>

Expected output for <p>: <p topic="x13">Ancestors: bar div p</p>

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