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Re: [xsl] Unicode question

2018-05-23 13:00:39
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 05:41:44PM -0000, Erik Siegel 
erik(_at_)xatapult(_dot_)nl scripsit:
   I have a problem that is Unicode related. Some Unicode characters (for
   instance emojis) can have some code *following* the actual character to
   indicate a variant. For instance in the following stylesheet, the emoji
   character in $x (U+1F61C) is followed by U+DE1C. When I look in oXygen it
   shows me this. But when I run the stylesheet it reports a string length of
   1 and only a single codepoint.

   I suppose that is true, it is only  single character. But how can I find
   out (in XPath) what the value of the second “character” (indicator?) is?
   Or is that impossible anyway?

If I try to look up U+DE1C, I am informed that this is not a Unicode
code point.   It is the second half the UTF-16 surrogate pair --
D83D DE1C -- use to represent U+1F61C in UTF-16.

(See <https://apps.timwhitlock.info/unicode/inspect?s=%F0%9F%98%9C> )

I would suppose that oXygen is showing you UTF-16 source but the
processing is happening in UTF-8, where the emoji is a single code point
and corresponding glyph.

-- Graydon
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