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[xsl] Constructing a Map Using xsl:for-each-group

2018-05-25 18:05:53
I want to construct a map where the keys are attribute values and the entries 
contain the elements that exhibit those attribute values. The obvious way to do 
this is with for-each-group:

      <xsl:variable name="links-by-target-id" as="map(xs:string, element()*)">
          <xsl:for-each-group select="$docbook-links" group-by="@linkend">
            <map:entry key="{current-grouping-key()}">
              <xsl:sequence select="current-group()"/>

However, using Saxon from Oxygen I get this message:

"Required item type of xsl:map sequence constructor is map(*); supplied value 
(xsl:for-each-group) has item type element(). The expression can succeed only 
if the supplied value is an empty sequence."

The XSLT spec says that the contents of <xsl:map> is a sequence constructor, 
which for-each-group certainly is.

Is this message legit? I don't see how it can be but maybe I'm missing a 
subtlety in the map instruction?


Eliot Kimber
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