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[xsl] XSLT1.0 distinct list of attributes across several nodes

2018-06-25 13:52:12
I'm restricted to XSLT1.0 with no extensions.
I need to get a list of distinct attributes across a set of nodes.

From the simplified XML below, the result should be 1,2,3,5 for the first 
post_press_version (25) and 1,2,3,6 for the second (26)

            <hopper number="0" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="1" id="23" is_insert="False">96854-6FL</hopper>
            <hopper number="2" id="13" is_insert="False">96854-8FL003</hopper>
            <hopper number="3" id="15" is_insert="False">96854-10FL004</hopper>
            <hopper number="4" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="5" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="6" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="0" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="1" id="24" is_insert="False">96854-6FL10</hopper>
            <hopper number="2" id="29" is_insert="False">96854-8FL</hopper>
            <hopper number="3" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="4" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="5" id="31" is_insert="False">96854-10FL</hopper>
            <hopper number="6" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="0" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="1" id="23" is_insert="False">96854-6FL</hopper>
            <hopper number="2" id="13" is_insert="False">96854-8FL003</hopper>
            <hopper number="3" id="15" is_insert="False">96854-10FL004</hopper>
            <hopper number="4" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="5" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="6" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="0" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="1" id="24" is_insert="False">96854-6FL10</hopper>
            <hopper number="2" id="29" is_insert="False">96854-8FL</hopper>
            <hopper number="3" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="4" id="" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="5" id="31" is_insert="False"/>
            <hopper number="6" id="" is_insert="False">96854-10FL</hopper>
I tried the XSL below, but it only returns 1,2,3: the results of the first 
hopper node in the first hopper_sequence
   <xsl:template match="order">
 and not(@number = preceding::hopper/@number)]]">
select="../../../post_press_version_id"/>-<xsl:value-of select="@number"/>

I'm struggling to figure out where I'm going wrong. I also tried the Meunchen 
method with this key, but get similar results

<xsl:key name="unique_post_press_version_hoppers" 
use="concat(../../../post_press_version_id, @number)"/>

Any suggestions?

a Segerdahl company
Mark Anderson
Director of ERP Systems
Phone: 847-419-3329
Mobile: 13125764332
Email: mark(_dot_)anderson(_at_)sg360(_dot_)com
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