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Re: [xsl] Techniques for Sorting and Reducing Maps in XSLT 3/XPath 3?

2018-07-06 06:16:58
On Fri, Jul 06, 2018 at 08:46:47AM -0000, Dave Pawson 
dave(_dot_)pawson(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com scripsit:
Quite different reasons, I needed to play with a directory structure.
ls dir > x.txt
Then read that directory using XSLT unparsed text
and play with it using XSLT tools?
  Bit easier, or are you limited to XSLT only?

Does "XSLT only" for XSLT 3.0 include expath extensions?  (I would think
it does in principle, but there may be a practical constraint.)

The "file:list()" -- http://expath.org/spec/file#fn.list -- function
will get everything in that directory for you.

-- Graydon
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