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Re: [xsl] converting Word dictionary to FLEx

2018-09-18 18:07:00

On 18 Sep 2018, at 22:47, Jim Albright jim_albright(_at_)wycliffe(_dot_)org 
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:

Using Saxon in Oxygen
Style sheet version="2.0"
Problem domain is getting a dictionary created in Word with only <p>s, 
<span>s and <b>, and <i> along with some color added to some spans.  
In plain text it looks like:

There is far more detail here than I can possible absorb in the time left 
before bedtime, but to try and answer your specific question:

My guess so far is to match the <br/> and then look for <b> words following 
but don’t include <b> after <span class="Arial" that turns into \translation .

   <xsl:template match="html:br">
       <xsl:element name="span">
           <xsl:attribute name="class">example</xsl:attribute>
           <xsl:value-of select="following::html:b"/>    <<<<<<<<<<<< this 
gives too many 

I hold the slash code in the class attribute until the last step. That way I 
can continue working on the file in XML.      

How do I restrict the <xsl:value-of select="following::html:b"/> to just the 
ones before the next 
<span class="Arial">I want to go.<br />

(1) Firstly, I think you can use following-sibling::html:b rather than 
following::html:b, which is a much more contained search.

(2) To stop the search at element X, the best solution in XSLT 3.0 is probably 

<xsl:iterate select="following-sibling::*">
   <xsl:if test="self::h:span[@class='Arial']"><xsl:break/></xsl:if>


xsl:iterate is basically like for-each except the order of processing is 
guaranteed and you can therefore break out as soon as a condition is satisfied; 
you can also pass data from one iteration to the next via parameters.

Michael Kay
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