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[xsl] [ANN] Saxon 9.9

2018-09-27 13:12:33
With apologies if you get this on more than one list.

Saxon 9.9 is now available, from the usual locations - 

Specifically, Saxon-HE, Saxon-PE, and Saxon-EE are available for the Java 
platform. The .NET version will follow.

Saxon 9.9 requires Java 8.

Full details are available in the change log at 
http://www.saxonica.com/documentation/index.html#!changes , but here are the 
main highlights:

(1) There's a significant extension of the s9api interface to provide XDM tree 
navigation. Under the hood, this takes advantage of Java 8 streams. As an 
alternative to using XPath expressions such as

XdmValue selectedBooks = xpath.evaluate("//book[author='" + key + "']", doc);

you can now write

doc.select(descendant("book").where(eq(child("author"), key)).asXdmValue();

There's a usability benefit because you're only using one language (Java) 
rather than two (Java+XPath), and there's a performance benefit because it cuts 
out the expensive XPath parsing stage. It also reduces the risk of injection 
attacks, and is likely to detect more programming errors at compile time. To 
make this work, we're now requiring a baseline of Java 8.

(2) Tuple types extend the XPath type system to provide better type checking of 
complex data structures. If you're representing employee data as a map, then 
instead of declaring it as map(xs:string, item()*), you can now declare it as 
tuple(empNr: xs:string, dob: xs:date, name: element(personalName)). The result 
is more readable code, better type checking (meaning faster debugging), and 
better performance. The extension has been implemented in such a way that it 
can be used without compromising the portability of your code to other XSLT 3.0 

(3) Arrays, like maps, now have an internal implementation that means updates 
to individual entries in the array don't require the whole array to be copied, 
giving substantial performance improvements for applications that use arrays 

(4) Improvements have been implemented to the TinyTree data structure to 
further reduce memory usage, and to enable zero-cost copying of subtrees from 
one tree to another in the course of a transformation.

(5) A number of powerful new extension instructions and functions are provided 
to enable easier query and update of the trees of maps and arrays that 
typically arise when processing JSON input. For example, the instruction 
<saxon:deep-update root="json-doc('empData.json')" 
select="?*[?customer='Jones']?orders" action="array:append($order)"/> reads and 
parses a JSON file, adds a new order for a selected customer, and returns a 
data structure representing the modified data set, which can then be serialized 
using the JSON output method. 

(6) Streamed accumulators, as defined in the XSLT 3.0 Recommendation, are 
extended with a new feature: by annotating an accumulator rule with the 
attribute saxon:capture="yes", an entire element from the source document can 
be captured as the value of the accumulator. For example this can be used to 
capture the header section at the start of a document and make it available for 
reference while the rest of the document is processed using pure streaming.

(7) The updating primitives of the XQuery Update specification are now 
available for use in XSLT via Saxon-defined extension instructions. These make 
many simple updates (such as "delete all comments") easier to express and 
faster in execution, without sacrificing the declarative nature of the XSLT 
language. For a future release we are thinking about new data structures that 
make such updates very efficient, avoiding the need to copy all the data in the 
source document that has not changed.

(8) The XPath lookup operator "?" has been exploited to provide easier call-out 
from XSLT and XQuery to Java code. For example, if the variable $connection 
holds a SQL database connection obtained using the sql:connect() extension 
function, then the expression $connection?isClosed() calls the Java method 
isClosed defined on the underlying connection object.

(9) The ability for an XSLT stylesheet to produce "raw" output (for example, a 
sequence of integers rather than an XML document), as envisaged in the XSLT 3.0 
specification, is now much better supported in the Saxon API. A new 
<code>RawDestination</code> is available to define the destination of a 
transformation. Internally, there has been a significant tidying-up of the 
interface between the transformation engine and a destination such as a 

(10) There have been further improvements to diagnostics on type errors. This 
applies especially when passing complex data structures between templates and 
functions using maps. In general, instead of telling you that the expected type 
was X but the supplied value V was an instance of Y, the message now tells you 
in what way V fails to conform to the type X: for example, if X is 
map{xs:string, node()} and V contains an entry whose key is of type 
xs:untypedAtomic, then the error message in 9.8 would tell you that V is an 
instance of map{xs:anyAtomicType, node()}, while 9.9 will tell you that V is 
not an instance of map{xs:string, node()} because it contains a key whose type 
is xs:untypedAtomic and whose value is (say) "Idaho".

Michael Kay
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