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[xsl] How to map XML vocabulary 1 to XML vocabulary 2 and vice versa?

2019-04-04 14:02:47
Hi Folks,

I have two XML vocabularies with closely related data. I want to convert XML 
instances that conform to vocabulary 1 to an equivalent instance conforming to 
vocabulary 2, and vice versa. The data in the two vocabularies might be 
structured quite differently. 

Below is one approach for doing this kind of mapping between vocabularies. I am 
interested in hearing other approaches.

The two vocabularies deal with magnetic variation.

For those who are unaware, magnetic variation is the difference between true 
north and magnetic north.

Here is an XML instance that uses vocabulary 1:


I want to convert it to vocabulary 2:


And vice-versa.

Here is that mapping between the two formats:

Vocabulary 1    Vocabulary 2
W               West
E               East
n/a             True

Vocabulary 1 expresses magnetic variation in degrees, minutes, and tenths of 
minutes. Here is the structure of the magnetic variation data:


x = W or E corresponding to West and East, respectively
yyy = the part of the magnetic variation in degrees
zz = the part of the magnetic variation in minutes
w = the part of the magnetic variation in tenths of a minute

So, the data W014404 means the magnetic variation is West, 014 degrees, 40.4 

Vocabulary 2 expresses magnetic variation as a decimal value 0 to 180, with one 
digit to the right of the decimal point. 

So, the data West, 14.7 means the magnetic variation is 14.7 degrees West.

Converting W014404 to West, 14.7 requires:

Map the first character of W014404 to West.
Map the second, third, and fourth characters to 14 degrees.
Map the fifth, sixth, and seventh characters (404) to .7 degrees. Note that 
this will involve some arithmetic.

Doing the reverse mapping from West, 14.7 to W014404 requires:

Map West to W.
Map 14 to 014.
Map .7 to 420. Notice the loss of precision.

One approach to implementing these mappings is to use XSLT: one template that 
maps vocabulary 1 to vocabulary 2, a second template that maps vocabulary 2 to 
vocabulary 1. The templates can be placed in the same XSLT file and 
distinguished using XSLT modes. When we want to execute the mapping to convert 
vocabulary 1 to vocabulary 2, we can invoke Saxon on the command line with the 
-im flag:

java -jar saxon/saxon9he.jar magnetic-variation-vocab1.xml 
-xsl:transform-magnetic-variation.xsl -o:magnetic-variation-vocab2.xml 

At the bottom of this message is the actual XSLT code to perform the mapping. 
It works, but I am wondering if there is a better approach to mapping 
vocabularies than hand-coding a bunch of template rules? Perhaps an alternative 
approach would be to write a regular expression description of each 
vocabulary's data and then write code that consumes the regex descriptions and 
automatically generates XSLT templates? How would a regex indicate the units? 
Would that approach need augmenting to indicate units? Perhaps there are other 

Here is XSLT that converts vocabulary 1 to vocabulary 2:

<xsl:template match="MAG_VAR" mode="vocab1_to_vocab2">
        <xsl:variable name="magVar" select="./text()"/>
                <xsl:when test="starts-with($magVar, 'W')">West</xsl:when>
                <xsl:when test="starts-with($magVar, 'E')">East</xsl:when>
                    <xsl:value-of select="error(xs:QName('MAG__VAR'), 'Invalid 
first character')"/>
            <xsl:variable name="unrounded-value" 
select="xs:integer(substring($magVar, 2,3)) + (xs:integer(substring($magVar, 
5,3)) div 600)"/>
            <xsl:variable name="rounded-value" select="(round($unrounded-value 
* 10)) div 10"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="$rounded-value" />

Here is XSLT that converts vocabulary 2 to vocabulary 1:

<xsl:template match="magneticVariation" mode="vocab2_to_vocab1">
            <xsl:when test="magneticVariationEWT eq 'West'">W</xsl:when>
            <xsl:when test="magneticVariationEWT eq 'East'">E</xsl:when>
            <xsl:when test="magneticVariationEWT eq 'True'">
                <xsl:value-of select="error(xs:QName('magneticVariation'), 
'Vocab1 does not support magVar True')"/>
select="error(xs:QName('magneticVariation'), 'Invalid value for 
        <xsl:variable name="degrees" 
select="f:make-3-digits(substring-before(magneticVariationValue, '.'))"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="$degrees"/>
        <xsl:variable name="tenths-degree" select="concat('.', 
substring-after(magneticVariationValue, '.'))" />
        <xsl:variable name="minutes" select="xs:decimal($tenths-degree) * 600"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="$minutes"/>

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  • [xsl] How to map XML vocabulary 1 to XML vocabulary 2 and vice versa?, Costello, Roger L. costello(_at_)mitre(_dot_)org <=