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[xsl] improving performance in creating ids

2019-04-23 07:07:22
Hi All,

I need generated-ids on elements in a BITS file that have @rids, so I can link back to them. I cannot use generate-id(), because I need it to produce the same id in both the xquery (eXist) context and in the XSL (saxon) contect.

I have created a function that will generate a human readable id based on the id of the nearest ancestor/@id and then element-name + sequence number. It produces the output that I like, but at the cost of a poor performance (when run on a whole book) . now with the preceding/ancestor juggling that I do there might be a better way than mine, so my question is if there is a better way to tackle this problem.

My function:

declare function local:get-id-in-doc ( $target as element() ) as xs:string
  let $current-element as xs:string := local-name($target)
  let $ancestor-with-id as element()? := $target/ancestor::*[@id][1]
  let $prefix as xs:string? := $ancestor-with-id/@id/string()

  let $count :=
    if($prefix) then
      (: case 1: there is an ancestor with an @id :)
      count($target/preceding::*[local-name() eq $current-element][ancestor::* = $ancestor-with-id]) + 1     else if ( count($target/ancestor-or-self::*[local-name() eq $current-element]) eq 1) then
      (: case 2: no numbering needed :)
      (: case 3: numbering based on position in the whole document :)
      count($target/preceding::*[local-name() eq $current-element]) + 1

  let $numbered-id as xs:string := concat(replace($prefix,'\.','-'), if($prefix) then '-' else (), $current-element, $count)

  return $numbered-id

My questions:

1. Is there a better way to look up the number of preceding same-named elements in a subset of a document that is defined by the @id on some ancestor?

2. Is there an alternative way of generating ids (possibly having less human-readable values) that would work in both the xquery and xslt realm?


Pieter Lamers
John Benjamins Publishing Company
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