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Re: [xsl] Re: XPath expression that yields the same resultasxsl:for-each-group?

2019-05-30 14:24:54
On 30.05.2019 21:12, Costello, Roger L. costello(_at_)mitre(_dot_)org wrote:

So, the bottom line is that your XPath expression is pure XPath and has no 
dependencies on XSLT, right?


If the oXygen Builder supported arrays, then I would not have gotten that "no 
results" message, right?

Their result view is not updated to handle maps and arrays, it seems. I
guess Mike's suggestion would also give the "no results" message.

As for pipelining several XPath expressions, it is of course for further
steps questionable whether they will allow you to evaluate a second
XPath expression against the previous result of type sequence of arrays
of elements, as that is not an XML document or fragment, i.e. the usual
input oXygen or other editors know to handle.

At the API level with Saxon you would be able to do that, but I am not
sure there is a visual editor allowing the chaining.

Perhaps XProc 3 support allows that but I am not really competent in
that area and have no idea what support oXygen has.

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