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Re: [xsl] Re: For each child, create a new parent node including only that child

2019-08-28 06:34:24
One more update.

I think I have managed more or less in this version of the stylesheet:

It works in XSLTFiddle, but not when I run it in the command line with
SaxonEE9-9-1-4J or saxon6-5-5, e.g.

java -jar /mnt/c/Apps/saxon6-5-5/saxon.jar -o output_unmtuv.tmx input.tmx
java -jar /mnt/c/Apps/Saxon9/SaxonEE9-9-1-4J/saxon9ee.jar
-o:output_unmtuv.tmx input.tmx  ~/path/to/unmerge_tuvs_xsl1.xsl

Do you see any problem with it?

CHeers, Manuel

Manuel Souto Pico terminolator(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com <
xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> escreveu no dia 
quarta, 28/08/2019
à(s) 13:03:

A quick update.

I think I am closer in this version:
https://xsltfiddle.liberty-development.net/6rewNxx/4. The second problem
is fixed in it, the other two problems remain.

I keep working on it, any tips are most welcome.

Cheers, Manuel

Manuel Souto Pico <terminolator(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> escreveu no dia quarta,
28/08/2019 à(s) 12:52:

Dear all,

What I am trying to do should be quite easy but I need some help.

Here you can see the kind of input I have and my first attempt:


- tu
--   tuv en (1)
--   tuv pt (1)
--   tuv pt (2)
--   tuv pt (n)

In that input you can see that a tu node might have one source language
tuv child and more than one target-language tuv children, such as the one
with source text "Moving Around and Tracking Progress".

The expect output is to have only one tuv child per tu node:

- tu
--   tuv en (1)
--   tuv pt (1)

- tu
--   tuv en (1)
--   tuv pt (2)

- tu
--   tuv en (1)
--   tuv pt (1)

Something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

         <tuv xml:lang="en-ZZ">
            <seg>Moving Around and Tracking Progress</seg>
         <tuv xml:lang="pt-BR">
            <seg>Movimentação e monitoramento de progresso</seg>

         <tuv xml:lang="en-ZZ">
            <seg>Moving Around and Tracking Progress</seg>
         <tuv xml:lang="pt-BR">
            <seg>Movendo-se e Monitorando o seu progresso</seg>

         <tuv xml:lang="en-ZZ">
            <seg>Moving Around and Tracking Progress</seg>
         <tuv xml:lang="pt-BR">
            <seg>Movendo-se e Monitorando seu progresso</seg>

In other words, unmerge the tu node, keeping always the same source text.

My stylesheet is:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
    <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

    <xsl:template match="body">
            <xsl:for-each select='tu/tuv[@xml:lang="pt-BR"]'>
                    <xsl:copy-of select="."/>


It has several problems:

1. The tmx root node is missing in my output
2. The source language (en-ZZ) does not appear in my output
3. It is specific for pt-BR, but the tag for the target language (i.e.
for the multiple children) could be any -- the stylesheet should be generic
(target-language agnostic).

I don't have a preference about the XSLT version, I think there are
non-commercial (free to use) Saxon processors for all three.

Hopefully somebody can help me find solutions or point me in the right
direction. Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Manuel

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