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Re: [xsl] [ANN] 20 years of XSLT

2019-11-15 03:41:41
I remember myself trying to get familiar with XSLT back in that time
when the first spec was still evolving. We have indeed come a long way
since then - nowadays, I am using XSLT in a routine fashion for
applications that I would have never anticipated back in 1999.


Pieter Masereeuw

On 11/15/19 9:56 AM, Michael Kay mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com wrote:
The XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0 recommendations were published on 16
November 1999 - twenty years ago on Saturday.

To celebrate, and to remind people how far the technology has come
since then, we've got a special offer on the Saxonica online shop: for
this weekend only, you can buy a full Saxon-EE license for GBP 100
(usual price GBP 360). 

The offer is limited to one license per purchaser, but you can buy
additional EE002 licenses for the usual price of £180.

Visit http://www.saxonica.com/shop/shop.html and look for the "Special
Offer" at the bottom of the page.

Michael Kay
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