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[xsl] Seeking XSLT code that provides a "Go to definition" capability

2020-07-10 13:45:11
Hi Folks,

One of the really nice features of Oxygen is that one can right-mouse click on 
an element and select "Go to definition" and then Oxygen displays the XML 
Schema element declaration in the XML Schema file. Kudos to the Oxygen folks!

I want that capability in my XSLT program. That is, I want my XSLT program to 
navigate through the elements in an XML document and then at each element I'd 
like to be able to "Go to definition" and collect information about the 
element's declaration: the schema file that the element is contained in, 
minOccurs, maxOccurs, type, default, fixed, xs:annotation, facets, and other 

I looked into SAXON and it provides capabilities for doing the thing that I 
want. It has the Schema Component Model (SCM) and the extension functions 
saxon:schema() and saxon:type(). Those are excellent but unfortunately they 
don't provide access to some of the items that I need such as the schema file 
that the element is contained in and the xs:annotation associated to the 

Question: Do you have XSLT code that provides a "Go to definition" capability?

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