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Re: [xsl] The time to execute a function is 625 times greater than the sum of the times to execute the statements in the function

2020-08-01 16:03:57
Roger, since everyone is speculating about the causes, if you can package up 
the test cases you are measuring so I can run them, then I'll take a look and 
see if I can come up with an explanation. My own guess is that it's likely to 
be something none of have thought of (based on my experience that this is 
usually the case).

I'll also try and record the progress of my investigation, since the blind 
alleys I go down are often as revealing as the final conclusion.

Michael Kay

On 1 Aug 2020, at 20:03, Roger L Costello costello(_at_)mitre(_dot_)org 
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:

Hi Folks,

I am having great difficulty determining why my XSLT neural network program 
runs so slow. I am currently focusing on the f:train function. The Saxon 
profile tool reports the gross total time for one call to the f:train 
function is 5,460.326 ms.

To see how much time each statement in f:train takes, Michael 
Müller-Hillebrand suggested that I put each statement into its own function. 
Great idea! I did so. I ran the Saxon profile tool on the modified f:train 
and you can see below the gross total time required for each statement (each 
statement is now in its own function). I summed their times and it came to a 
total of 8.742 ms. So, the f:train function should take 8.742 ms but instead 
it takes 5,460.326 ms. How can it possibly be that the time to execute the 
f:train function is 625 times greater than the sum of the times to execute 
the statements in the function? Any suggestions?


f:count-inputs-list                                           0.016
f:create-inputs                                                       0.039
f:count-targets-list                                          0.004
f:create-targets                                                      0.520
f:create-hidden-inputs                                                0.060
f:create-hidden-outputs                                               0.058
f:create-final-inputs                                         0.054
f:create-final-outputs                                                0.008
f:compute-output-errors                                       0.025
f:compute-hidden-layer-errors                                 2.612
f:compute-Ek_times_Ok                                 0.030
f:compute-One_minus_Ok                                        0.017
f:compute-updated-layer-values                                0.003
f:compute-output-transposed                                   0.003
f:compute-weight-changes                                      0.003
f:compute-learning-rate-multiplied-by-weight-changes          0.100
f:compute-updated-who                                 0.034
f:compute-Ek_times_Ok-v2                                      0.006
f:compute-One_minus_Ok-v2                                     0.008
f:compute-updated-layer-values-v2                             0.006
f:compute-output-transposed-v2                                0.004
f:compute-weight-changes-v2                                   0.004
f:compute-learning-rate-multiplied-by-weight-changes-v2       0.060
f:compute-updated-wih                                         0.027
f:compute-neural-network-with-new-wih                 4.959
f:compute-neural-network-with-new-wih-and-new-who             0.085
Total Time:                                                   8.742

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