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Re: [xsl] Using xsl:iterate inside <xsl:for-each-group> xslt 3.0

2020-08-18 12:59:56
Am 18.08.2020 um 19:56 schrieb Terry Ofner tdofner(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com:
Hmm. The map:merge appears to fiddle with the ?letter and the ?term. It
appears that the position() is coming from the $groups map. Not sure why
the letter is stuck on S and the term on sentence. Do I need an argument
within the map merge to tell how to merge the two?

<xsl:iterateselect="for $p in p[@class = 'nl'] return $groups !
map:merge(($groups, map { 'p' : $p }))">

<write_choice  spanNum="{position() - 1}"letter="{?letter}"

I got the select wrong again, the following hopefully does what I tried
to implement:

        select="for $p in p[@class = 'nl']
                return $groups
                          map { 'p' : $p })
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