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Re: [xsl] Source code formatting

2020-08-19 08:30:25
It does.

I now see that the reason for its disappearance is that in my stylesheet, I
have following character mapping in my stylesheet:
<xsl:output-character character="&#10;" string="&#10;"/>

Which I need in order not to have literal newlines converted to an entity.
I guess I have to choose between one or the other.

I'll have a look at the serializer to see if I can do something there, but
hints are welcome.

Willem Van Lishout

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 3:09 PM Martin Honnen 
martin(_dot_)honnen(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de <
xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:

Am 19.08.2020 um 15:02 schrieb Willem Van Lishout

I'm having a little trouble with converting whitespace entities.
This line:

<xsl:variable name="nl" select="'&#10;'"/>

Gets converted to:

<xsl:variable name="nl" select="

Which causes the variable to be output as a space when I do
<xsl:value-of select="$nl"/> (I suppose because it gets normalized again
during parsing).

I wonder what the best way is to solve this problem? It's not important
what it looks like, but the stylesheet behavior should obviously not
change. The formatting is done by an XSL stylesheet (which removes
whitespace-only nodes), which uses the aforementioned patched Xerces
parser and then uses a custom Saxon serializer to control output
indentation and new line settings. Is this something I could configure
in the serializer?

Does the normal Saxon serializer preserve the numeric character reference?

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