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Re: [xsl] RDF graph to SVG force-directed layout

2021-03-26 17:22:40
Hi Michael,

I wanted to pick up this thread as I started working on this
stylesheet again. I've implemented some of the optimizations suggested
in this thread.

I want to apply the (node, x, y, list-of-adjacent-nodes) tuple
strategy you suggested. But what would be an efficient data structure
for it in practice? Something like the following?

<xsl:for-each select="svg:g">
    <xsl:variable name="tuple-set" as="map(xs:string, item())">
            <xsl:map-entry key="'node'" select="."/>
            <xsl:map-entry key="'x'" select="svg:circle/@cx"/>
            <xsl:map-entry key="'y'" select="svg:circle/@cy"/>
            <xsl:map-entry key="'adjacent-nodes'"
select="/svg:svg/svg:g[svg:g[@class = 'property']/@resource =
current()/@about]/svg:g[@class = ('subject', 'object')]"/>
            <xsl:map-entry key="'non-adjacent-nodes'" select="..."/>

Another thing I wasn't sure how to fix was your remark:

<xsl:param name="force-nodes" select="key('nodes', ('circle',
'rect'))" as="element()*"/>

where the key is

<xsl:key name="nodes" match="svg:g[svg:circle] | svg:g[svg:rect]"
use="concat(svg:circle/local-name(), svg:rect/local-name())"/>

This is going to create a key with a very small number of entries,
each indexing a large number of nodes, and that doesn't feel like an
efficient thing to do.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 11:51 AM Michael Kay mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:

OK, I'm starting to see where the adjacency logic is, around lines 335-350.

It's computing some kind of "attraction force" for every pair of nodes in the 
graph, where the force is negative if the two nodes aren't cconnected.

The connectivity of nodes is unchanged for each iteration, but is being 
recomputed on each iteration. If the data that you process on each iteration 
is a set of tuples comprising

(node, x, y, list-of-adjacent-nodes)

then you can precompute the list-of-adjacent-nodes (and possibly even 
list-of-non-adjacent-nodes) at the start, and only modify x and y each time 
round the loop.

It would be nice to find a way of reducing the number of distant non-adjacent 
nodes you have to consider as the algorithm converges. Perhaps there is some 
threshold where if a non-adjacent node is more than a certain distance away, 
you can drop it from the list-of-non-adjacent-nodes that you have to consider 
next time around, so that over time, you're only looking at your position 
relative to nodes that are nearby?

Michael Kay

On 15 Oct 2020, at 10:17, Michael Kay mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com 
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:

Having said all this, however, making the inner loop of your algorithm 5 
times faster is only going to get you from 5 minutes to 1 minute, and to do 
better than that (as Liam points out) you need to improve the algorithm.

Doing a fixed number of iterations (50) seems rather crude; is there some way 
you could detect convergence and stop when the results are good enough?

Might there be some way of doing initial placement that's better than just 
random positioning? For example, perhaps it's the case that in many datasets, 
the order of the input nodes reflects some kind of proximity metric, and 
therefore computing an initial position based on position in the input 
sequence would give faster convergence.

I haven't really worked out what the criteria are for computing node 
proximity. I can't see any logic that decides which nodes you want to be near.

Michael Kay

On 15 Oct 2020, at 09:42, Michael Kay mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com 
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:

This deserves closer study than I have time to give it.

From a quick look, my attention is drawn to the template rule on line 312.

Firstly, the variable $net is a sequence of elements that are essentially (x, 
y) pairs, and my instinct is that using sequence of maps would cut a lot of 
node-creation cost (and a bit of number-to-string and string-to-number 
conversion). In fact, since you are computing the (x, y) pairs only in order 
to then compute the sum of the x's and the sum of the y's, it seems 
unneccessary to capture these values in a list in the first place; why not 
compute the two totals as you go by using xsl:iterate in place of 
xsl:for-each at line 325?

Line 313 is

<xsl:param name="force-nodes" select="key('nodes', ('circle', 'rect'))" 

where the key is

<xsl:key name="nodes" match="svg:g[svg:circle] | svg:g[svg:rect]" 
use="concat(svg:circle/local-name(), svg:rect/local-name())"/>

This is going to create a key with a very small number of entries, each 
indexing a large number of nodes, and that doesn't feel like an efficient 
thing to do.

At lines 339 and 343, should the following-sibling calls be limited (using 
[1]) to the immediatelty following sibling?

At line 343, should the generate-id() comparison be replaced by "is"? (The XJ 
compiler does this optimisation for you, XX doesn't).

Finally, line 360-366 is a classic case of a subtree copy that's making a 
very small change to an existing tree; I've written several papers that 
attempt to address the problem that this is very inefficient because it 
involves copying the whole tree.

You might consider, instead of making incremental modifications to the 
attributes of the svg:g elements, maintaining for each of these elements a 
map containing the original svg:elements and the latest computed values of 
the attributes that are being modified. Changing a single property in a map 
is much more efficient that changing a single attribute of an element.

This would also address another issue: on each iteration where a node is 
repositioned, you're generating an SVG @transform attribute to reflect the 
new position, and then on the next iteration, you are parsing this attribute 
to compute the current position. Much better, surely, to maintain the actual 

Michael Kay

On 14 Oct 2020, at 22:00, Martynas Jusevičius 
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:


could anyone suggest any optimizations to this stylesheet that
transforms a graph encoded as RDF/XML to an SVG directed graph layout:

Output example: https://twitter.com/namedgraph/status/1316476355874304001

The problem is that it's quite slow: <100 nodes and 5 steps take a few
minutes running on Saxon-JS 2 in Firefox or Chrome.

It's based on a paper on force directed layout in XSLT: "GraphML

The algorithm:
1. position resource nodes (optionally also literals) randomly.
(TO-DO: position on an ellipse?)
2. move nodes in a loop using the force-directed algorithm
3. draw lines between the nodes, calculating the correct intersection
with the node border

Note: only "flat" RDF/XML (properties grouped into descriptions; no
nesting) is supported. It's called RDFXML_PLAIN in Jena.

If anyone would like a sample file, I can easily provide :)


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