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[xsl] [ANN] XSLT 3 training - May, June, July - XSLT three for people already using XSLT

2021-05-04 21:28:10
Dates for XSLT 3 for XSLT users:
* May 25th, 26th, 27th
* June 29th, 30th, Jul 1st
* July & August on request

I'm looking at reorganizing somewhat so that streaming is no longer a
separate day and the course is over three days, because two days for
everything else plus a day for streaming is too intense for people! It
also turns out that much of the streaming day is useful for everyone.
I'd welcome feedback.

The courses are live video (not pre-recorded). Shoes optional :)

There's a course overview at

If you are using XSLT 1, you'll need to be familiar with some XSLT 2
changes; let me know IN ADVANCE if that applies to you :) Thanks!


Liam Quin, https://www.delightfulcomputing.com/
Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/
XSL/XQuery/Web/Text Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
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  • [xsl] [ANN] XSLT 3 training - May, June, July - XSLT three for people already using XSLT, Liam R. E. Quin liam(_at_)fromoldbooks(_dot_)org <=