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Re: [xsl] Re: [xsl] fn:contains in sequence – P2 | XSLT 2.0

2021-06-24 11:31:27

Am 24.06.2021 um 18:20 schrieb Fiona Chen anonymousjuly1(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)ca:
Hi, Martin:
    I understand what the error means.

    If I run that module in Oxygen, I get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SVM xmlns="schema://fc.fasset/svm"><!-- June 23rd, 2021 22:18:41 -->
<Negative><!--Negative trained Options classification::Better training
data is suggested--></Negative>

=> blank result

My XSLT + cts module groups the labelled classification into Negative
(all @val is negative in one serial/classification) and Positive (one,
only one, positive @val in one serial/classification). That module is
merely one-liner work.

Can you correct my XSLT module and get the desired groups, in this
case, the Negative and the Positive?

I think you want to put your variable's selection directly as the second
argument expression in the contains call or rather just test if there is
no label descendant having a class child where the val attribute is
positive e.g.

select="classification[not(.//label[class[xs:decimal(@val) gt 0.00]])]"/>
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