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[xsl] XSLT programs that blur the distinction between program and data?

2022-04-09 10:01:53
Michael Kay wrote this on March 29, 2022:

we're using operating systems whose security model is 
50 years out of date. Where there's a strong distinction 
between "programs" and "data" that's unrealistic in 
today's world


What are the ways that XSLT programs blur the distinction between program and 

I think there are two ways:

(1) An XSLT program may have some embedded XML that the program uses. That 
embedded XML is both part of the program and it is data for the program; so it 
is both program and data. That is definitely blurring the distinction between 
program and data!

(2) An XSLT program can modify itself at runtime. [Is this possible? Can one 
part of XSLT program treat another part of the program as data, modify it, and 
then continue running but with the modified program?]

What other ways do XSLT programs blur the distinction between program and data?

Is there a classic use case for (1)? That is, is there a classic use case for 
an XSLT program that uses embedded XML data?

Is there a classic use case for (2)? 

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