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[xsl] How to circumvent read-only permission

2022-04-10 07:46:02
Michael Kay wrote:

I've certainly seen (and written) real applications in which
xsl:evaluate (or equivalent) was used to evaluate XPath
expressions read from cells in Excel spreadsheets. The
operating system has no idea this is going on, so the
distinction between read permission and execute
permission is meaningless.


Let me be sure that I understand the full implications of this. 

Consider this scenario: We have an XML document that, for whatever reason, must 
be read-only. It must not be written to (no write permission) and it must not 
be executed (no execute permission). The operating system understands this and 
will enforce this.

However, if the XML document contains XPath expressions, then the XSLT program 
that is reading the XML document can read the XPath expressions and execute 
them using xsl:evaluate. So, in a sense, the XML document is being executed. 
And, the operating system has no idea that the XML document is being executed 
and no way to prevent it. 

This is a way to circumvent the operating system's enforcement of read-only 

Do I understand correctly? Have I described the full implications of this 
scenario or is there more to be learned from the scenario? Or is Michael 
alluding to some other scenario?

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