##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## File: ## $Id: mhthread.pl,v 2.10 2002/06/27 04:56:41 ehood Exp $ ## Author: ## Earl Hood mhonarc@mhonarc.org ## Description: ## Thread routines for MHonArc ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## MHonArc -- Internet mail-to-HTML converter ## Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Earl Hood, mhonarc@mhonarc.org ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA ## 02111-1307, USA ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## package mhonarc; ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## write_thread_index outputs the thread index ## sub write_thread_index { local($onlypg) = shift; local($tmpl, $handle); local($index) = (""); local(*a); local($PageNum, $PageSize, $totalpgs, %Printed); local($lastlevel, $tlevel, $iscont, $i, $offstart, $offend); local($level) = 0; ## !!!Used in print_thread!!! local($last0index) = ''; ## Make sure list orders are set if (!scalar(@TListOrder)) { &compute_threads(); } if (!scalar(@MListOrder)) { # need for resource variable expansions @MListOrder = &sort_messages(); %Index2MLoc = (); @Index2MLoc{@MListOrder} = (0 .. $#MListOrder); } &compute_page_total(); @ThreadList = @TListOrder; $PageNum = $onlypg || 1; $totalpgs = $onlypg || $NumOfPages; for ( ; $PageNum <= $totalpgs; ++$PageNum) { next if $PageNum < $TIdxMinPg; if ($MULTIIDX) { $offstart = ($PageNum-1) * $IDXSIZE; $offend = $offstart + $IDXSIZE-1; $offend = $#TListOrder if $#TListOrder < $offend; @a = @TListOrder[$offstart..$offend]; if ($PageNum > 1) { $TIDXPATHNAME = join("", $OUTDIR, $DIRSEP, $TIDXPREFIX, $PageNum, ".", $HtmlExt); } else { $TIDXPATHNAME = join($DIRSEP, $OUTDIR, $TIDXNAME); } } else { $TIDXPATHNAME = join($DIRSEP, $OUTDIR, $TIDXNAME); if ($IDXSIZE && (($i = ($#ThreadList+1) - $IDXSIZE) > 0)) { if ($TREVERSE) { @NotIdxThreadList = splice(@ThreadList, $IDXSIZE); } else { @NotIdxThreadList = splice(@ThreadList, 0, $i); } } *a = *ThreadList; } $PageSize = scalar(@a); if ($IDXONLY) { $handle = 'STDOUT'; } else { ($handle = &file_create($TIDXPATHNAME, $GzipFiles)) || die("ERROR: Unable to create $TIDXPATHNAME\n"); } print STDOUT "Writing $TIDXPATHNAME ...\n" unless $QUIET; $tmpl = ($TIDXPGSSMARKUP ne '') ? $TIDXPGSSMARKUP : $SSMARKUP; if ($tmpl ne '') { $tmpl =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; } print $handle "\n"; ($tmpl = $TIDXPGBEG) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; ($tmpl = $THEAD) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; ## Flag visible messages for use in printing thread index page foreach $index (@a) { $TVisible{$index} = 1; } ## Print index. Print unless message has been printed, or ## unless it has reference that is visible. $level = 0; # !!!Used in print_thread!!! $lastlevel = $ThreadLevel{$a[0]}; # check if continuing a thread if ($lastlevel > 0) { ($tmpl = $TCONTBEG) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,$a[0])/geo; print $handle $tmpl; } # perform any indenting for ($i=0; $i < $lastlevel; ++$i) { ++$level; if ($level <= $TLEVELS) { ($tmpl = $TINDENTBEG) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; } } # print index listing foreach $index (@a) { $tlevel = $ThreadLevel{$index}; if (($lastlevel > 0) && ($tlevel < $lastlevel)) { for ($i=$tlevel; $i < $lastlevel; ++$i) { if ($level <= $TLEVELS) { ($tmpl = $TINDENTEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; } --$level; } $lastlevel = $tlevel; if ($lastlevel < 1) { # Check if continuation done ($tmpl = $TCONTEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; } } unless ($Printed{$index} || ($HasRef{$index} && $TVisible{$HasRef{$index}})) { &print_thread($handle, $index, ($lastlevel > 0) ? 0 : 1); } } # unindent if required for ($i=0; $i < $lastlevel; ++$i) { if ($level <= $TLEVELS) { ($tmpl = $TINDENTEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; } --$level; } # close continuation if required if ($lastlevel > 0) { ($tmpl = $TCONTEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; } ## Reset visibility flags foreach $index (@a) { $TVisible{$index} = 0; } ($tmpl = $TFOOT) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; &output_doclink($handle); ($tmpl = $TIDXPGEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; print $handle $tmpl; print $handle "\n"; close($handle) unless $IDXONLY; } } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Routine to compute the order messages are listed by thread. ## Main use is to provide the ability to correctly define ## values for resource variables related to next/prev thread ## message. ## ## NOTE: Thread order is determined by all the messages in an ## archive, and not by what is visible in the thread index page. ## Hence, if the thread index page size is less than number of ## messages, the next/prev messages of thread (accessible via ## resource variables) will not necessarily correspond to the ## actual physical next/prev message listed in the thread index. ## ## The call to do_thread() defines the TListOrder array for use ## in expanding thread related resource variables. ## sub compute_threads { local(%FirstSub2Index) = (); local(%Counted) = (); local(%stripsub) = (); local(@refs); local($index, $msgid, $refindex, $depth, $tmp); ## Reset key data structures @TListOrder = (); %Index2TLoc = (); %ThreadLevel = (); %HasRef = (); %HasRefDepth = (); %Replies = (); %SReplies = (); ## Sort by date first for subject based threads @ThreadList = sort_messages(0,0,0,0); ## Find first occurrances of subjects if (!$NoSubjectThreads) { foreach $index (@ThreadList) { $tmp = lc $Subject{$index}; 1 while (($tmp =~ s/^$SubReplyRxp//io) || ($tmp =~ s/\s*-\s*re(ply|sponse)\s*$//io)); $stripsub{$index} = $tmp; next unless $tmp =~ /\S/; $FirstSub2Index{$tmp} = $index unless defined($FirstSub2Index{$tmp}) || (defined($Refs{$index}) && grep($MsgId{$_}, @{$Refs{$index}})); } } ## Compute thread data TCOMP: foreach $index (@ThreadList) { next unless defined($Refs{$index}); # Check for explicit threading if (@refs = @{$Refs{$index}}) { $depth = 0; while ($msgid = pop(@refs)) { if (($refindex = $MsgId{$msgid})) { $HasRef{$index} = $refindex; $HasRefDepth{$index} = $depth; if ($Replies{$refindex}) { push(@{$Replies{$refindex}}, $index); } else { $Replies{$refindex} = [ $index ]; } next TCOMP; } ++$depth; } } } continue { # Check for subject-based threading if (!$NoSubjectThreads && !$HasRef{$index}) { $refindex = $FirstSub2Index{$stripsub{$index}}; if ($refindex && ($refindex ne $index)) { $HasRef{$index} = $refindex; $HasRefDepth{$index} = 0; if ($SReplies{$refindex}) { push(@{$SReplies{$refindex}}, $index); } else { $SReplies{$refindex} = [ $index ]; } } } } ## Calculate thread listing order @ThreadList = sort_messages($TNOSORT, $TSUBSORT, 0, $TREVERSE); foreach $index (@ThreadList) { unless ($Counted{$index} || $HasRef{$index}) { &do_thread($index, 0); } } } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## do_thread() computes the order messages are listed by thread. ## Uses %Counted defined locally in compute_thread_from_list(). ## do_thread() main purpose is to set the TListOrder array and ## Index2TLoc assoc array. ## sub do_thread { local($idx, $level) = ($_[0], $_[1]); local(@repls, @srepls) = (); ## Get replies @repls = sort increase_index @{$Replies{$idx}} if defined($Replies{$idx}); @srepls = sort increase_index @{$SReplies{$idx}} if defined($SReplies{$idx}); ## Add index to printed order list (IMPORTANT SIDE-EFFECT) push(@TListOrder, $idx); $Index2TLoc{$idx} = $#TListOrder; ## Mark message $Counted{$idx} = 1; $ThreadLevel{$idx} = $level; if (@repls) { foreach (@repls) { &do_thread($_, $level + 1 + $HasRefDepth{$_}); } } if (@srepls) { foreach (@srepls) { &do_thread($_, $level + 1 + $HasRefDepth{$_}); } } } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Routine to print thread. ## Uses %Printed defined by caller. ## sub print_thread { local($handle, $idx, $top) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); my(@repls, @srepls) = (); my($attop, $haverepls, $hvnirepls, $single, $depth, $i); my $didtliend = 0; ## Get replies @repls = sort increase_index @{$Replies{$idx}} if defined($Replies{$idx}); @srepls = sort increase_index @{$SReplies{$idx}} if defined($SReplies{$idx}); $depth = $HasRefDepth{$idx}; $hvnirepls = (@repls || @srepls); @repls = grep($TVisible{$_}, @repls); @srepls = grep($TVisible{$_}, @srepls); $haverepls = (@repls || @srepls); ## $hvnirepls is a flag if the message has replies, but they are ## not visible. $haverepls is a flag if the message has visible ## replies. $hvnirepls is used to determine the $attop and ## $single flags. $haverepls is used for determine recursive ## calls and level. ## Print entry #$attop = ($top && $haverepls); #$single = ($top && !$haverepls); $attop = ($top && $hvnirepls); $single = ($top && !$hvnirepls); if ($attop) { &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TTOPBEG); } elsif ($single) { &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TSINGLETXT); } else { ## Check for missing messages if ($DoMissingMsgs) { for ($i=$depth; $i > 0; --$i) { ++$level; &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TLINONE); &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TSUBLISTBEG) if $level <= $TLEVELS; } } &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TLITXT); } ## Increment level count if their are replies ++$level if ($haverepls); ## Print list item close if hit max depth if (!$attop && !$single && ($level > $TLEVELS)) { &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TLIEND); $didtliend = 1; } ## Mark message printed $Printed{$idx} = 1; ## Print sub-threads if (scalar(@repls) || scalar(@srepls)) { &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TSUBLISTBEG) if $level <= $TLEVELS; foreach (@repls) { &print_thread($handle, $_); } if (@srepls) { &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TSUBJECTBEG); foreach (@srepls) { &print_thread($handle, $_); } &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TSUBJECTEND); } &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TSUBLISTEND) if $level <= $TLEVELS; } ## Decrement level count if their were replies --$level if ($haverepls); ## Check for missing messages if ($DoMissingMsgs && !($attop || $single)) { for ($i=$depth; $i > 0; --$i) { &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TLINONEEND); &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TSUBLISTEND) if $level <= $TLEVELS; --$level; } } ## Close entry text if ($attop) { &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TTOPEND); } elsif (!$single && !$didtliend) { &print_thread_var($handle, $idx, \$TLIEND); } } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Print out text based upon resource variable referenced by $tvar. ## sub print_thread_var { my($handle, $index, $tvar) = @_; my($tmpl); ($tmpl = $$tvar) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,$index)/geo; print $handle $tmpl; } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## make_thread_slice generates a slice of the thread listing. ## Arguments are: ## ## $refindex : Reference message index that slice is based ## $bcnt : Number of messages before $refindex to list ## $acnt : Number of messages after $refindex to list ## ## Returns string containing thread slice text. ## sub make_thread_slice { my($refindex, $bcnt, $acnt, $inclusive) = @_; my($slicetxt) = ""; my($pos) = $Index2TLoc{$refindex}; my($start) = $pos - $bcnt; my($end) = $pos + $acnt; $start = 0 if $start < 0; $end = $#TListOrder if $end > $#TListOrder; if ($inclusive) { # adjust before count if ($bcnt == 0 || $ThreadLevel{$TListOrder[$pos]} <= 0) { $start = $pos; } else { for ($i=$pos-1; ($i > $start) && ($i > 0); --$i) { last if ($ThreadLevel{$TListOrder[$i]} <= 0); } $start = $i; } # adjust after count if ($acnt != 0) { for ($i=$pos+1; ($i <= $end) && ($i <= $#TListOrder); ++$i) { last if ($ThreadLevel{$TListOrder[$i]} <= 0); } $end = $i-1; } } my(@a) = @TListOrder[$start..$end]; my($lastlevel) = $ThreadLevel{$a[0]}; my($tmpl, $index, $tlevel, $iscont, $i); local($level) = 0; ## XXX: Used in make_thread!!! local(%Printed) = (); ## XXX: Used in make_thread!!! ($tmpl = $TSLICEBEG) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; $slicetxt .= $tmpl; ## Flag visible messages for use in printing thread foreach $index (@a) { $TVisible{$index} = 1; } # check if continuing a thread if ($lastlevel > 0) { ($tmpl = $TSLICECONTBEG) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,$a[0])/geo; $slicetxt .= $tmpl; } # perform any indenting for ($i=0; $i < $lastlevel; ++$i) { ++$level; if ($level <= $TSLICELEVELS) { ($tmpl = $TSLICEINDENTBEG) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; $slicetxt .= $tmpl; } } # print index listing foreach $index (@a) { $tlevel = $ThreadLevel{$index}; if (($lastlevel > 0) && ($tlevel < $lastlevel)) { for ($i=$tlevel; $i < $lastlevel; ++$i) { if ($level <= $TSLICELEVELS) { ($tmpl = $TSLICEINDENTEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; $slicetxt .= $tmpl; } --$level; } $lastlevel = $tlevel; if ($lastlevel < 1) { # Check if continuation done ($tmpl = $TSLICECONTEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; $slicetxt .= $tmpl; } } unless ($Printed{$index} || ($HasRef{$index} && $TVisible{$HasRef{$index}})) { $slicetxt .= &make_thread($index, (($lastlevel > 0) ? 0 : 1), $refindex); } } # unindent if required for ($i=0; $i < $lastlevel; ++$i) { if ($level <= $TSLICELEVELS) { ($tmpl = $TSLICEINDENTEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; $slicetxt .= $tmpl; } --$level; } # close continuation if required if ($lastlevel > 0) { ($tmpl = $TSLICECONTEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; $slicetxt .= $tmpl; } ## Reset visibility flags foreach $index (@a) { $TVisible{$index} = 0; } ($tmpl = $TSLICEEND) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,'')/geo; $slicetxt .= $tmpl; $slicetxt; } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Routine to generate text representing a thread. ## Used by make_thread_slice(). ## Uses %Printed and $level defined by caller. ## sub make_thread { my($idx, $top, $refidx) = @_; my($attop, $haverepls, $hvnirepls, $single, $depth, $i); my(@repls, @srepls) = ( ); my($ret) = ""; ## Get replies @repls = sort increase_index @{$Replies{$idx}} if defined($Replies{$idx}); @srepls = sort increase_index @{$SReplies{$idx}} if defined($SReplies{$idx}); $depth = $HasRefDepth{$idx}; $hvnirepls = (@repls || @srepls); @repls = grep($TVisible{$_}, @repls); @srepls = grep($TVisible{$_}, @srepls); $haverepls = (@repls || @srepls); ## $hvnirepls is a flag if the message has replies, but they are ## not visible. $haverepls is a flag if the message has visible ## replies. $hvnirepls is used to determine the $attop and ## $single flags. $haverepls is used for determine recursive ## calls and level. ## Print entry $attop = ($top && $hvnirepls); $single = ($top && !$hvnirepls); if ($attop) { $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, ($idx eq $refidx) ? \$TSLICETOPBEGCUR : \$TSLICETOPBEG); } elsif ($single) { $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, ($idx eq $refidx) ? \$TSLICESINGLETXTCUR: \$TSLICESINGLETXT); } else { ## Check for missing messages if ($DoMissingMsgs) { for ($i = $depth; $i > 0; $i--) { $level++; $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICELINONE); $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICESUBLISTBEG) if $level <= $TSLICELEVELS; } } $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, ($idx eq $refidx) ? \$TSLICELITXTCUR : \$TSLICELITXT); } ## Increment level count if their are replies if ($haverepls) { $level++; } ## Mark message printed $Printed{$idx} = 1; ## Print sub-threads if (@repls) { $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICESUBLISTBEG) if $level <= $TSLICELEVELS; foreach (@repls) { $ret .= &make_thread($_, 0, $refidx); } $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICESUBLISTEND) if $level <= $TSLICELEVELS; } if (@srepls) { $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICESUBLISTBEG) if $level <= $TSLICELEVELS; $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICESUBJECTBEG); foreach (@srepls) { $ret .= &make_thread($_, 0, $refidx); } $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICESUBJECTEND); $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICESUBLISTEND) if $level <= $TSLICELEVELS; } ## Decrement level count if their were replies if ($haverepls) { $level--; } ## Check for missing messages if ($DoMissingMsgs && !($attop || $single)) { for ($i = $depth; $i > 0; $i--) { $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICELINONEEND); $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, \$TSLICESUBLISTEND) if $level <= $TSLICELEVELS; $level--; } } ## Close entry text if ($attop) { $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, ($idx eq $refidx) ? \$TSLICETOPENDCUR : \$TSLICETOPEND); } elsif (!$single) { $ret .= &expand_thread_var($idx, ($idx eq $refidx) ? \$TSLICELIENDCUR : \$TSLICELIEND); } $ret; } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Expand text based upon resource variable referenced by $tvar. ## sub expand_thread_var { my($index, $tvar) = @_; my($expstr); ($expstr = $$tvar) =~ s/$VarExp/&replace_li_var($1,$index)/geo; $expstr; } ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1;