Revision history for DTDParse ============================================================================ 2.00 Jul 16, 2005 (Earl Hood, earlearlhoodcom) This is the first non-beta release of the rewrite of dtdparse 0.97. The following highlights changes from beta releases: - The package root namespace has changed from XML:: to SGML::. This was mainly done to avoid conflicts and confusion with numerous XML:: modules on CPAN (including the closely named XML::DTDParser). Also, DTDParse does support SGML DTDs and XML is a formal subset of SGML, so using SGML:: seems appropriate. - The release contains several bug fixes from last beta release along with added documentation: POD has been added for all scripts and a general overview documentation is provided via the meta-module SGML::DTDParse. Documentation is still needed for the main modules. - A new script, dtddiff (along with dtddiff2html) has been added that performs a context-like diff between two parsed DTDs. - dtdparse script modified to behave more like common Unix programs with respect to input and output. If no DTD filename is provided on the command-line, the DTD will be read from standard-input. If --output is not specified, then XML output is sent to standard-out. This change allows dtdparse to be used in a command pipeline. - Files have been reorganized to facilitate installation via Perl's standard installation process. See README for details. - Version numbering modified to match style used by Perl modules: 2.0.0 => 2.00. - DTDParse is now distributed under the Artistic License or the GNU General Public License. See README, Artistic, and COPYING. - Miscellaneous bug fixes. - Primary maintenance of DTDParse has been transitioned from Norman Walsh to Earl Hood. ============================================================================ $Id: Changes,v 2.2 2005/07/16 03:30:24 ehood Exp $