##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## File: ## @(#) CfgFile.pm 1.1 97/12/12 14:05:45 @(#) ## Author: ## Earl Hood ehood@medusa.acs.uci.edu ## Description: ## Class for supporting the loading of a configuration file. ## More explanation at end of source file. ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Copyright (C) 1997 Earl Hood, ehood@medusa.acs.uci.edu ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of either: ## ## a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ## Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ## later version, or ## ## b) the "Artistic License" which comes with Perl. ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## package CfgFile; use Exporter (); @ISA = qw ( Exporter ); @EXPORT = (); @EXPORT_OK = (); $VERSION = ""; ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## use Carp; use FileHandle; ############################################################################### ## Public Class Methods ############################################################################### ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Constructor ## ## Usage: ## $conf = new CfgFile $filename; ## Return: ## If no errors, and object reference. Else undef. ## sub new { my $this = { }; my $mod = shift; # Name of module my $file = shift; # Filename of template return undef unless defined $file; my $type = shift; # Config file type my $class = ref($mod) || $mod; bless $this, $class; return undef unless $this->_read_file($file, $type); $this; } ############################################################################### ## Public Object Methods ############################################################################### ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## get_resource retrieves a value of a resource. ## sub get_resource { my $this = shift; my $name = lc shift; # Name of resource $this->{resource}{$name}; } ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## get_resource_name_list returns a sorted list all resource ## names. ## sub get_resource_name_list { my $this = shift; sort keys %{$this->{resource}}; } ############################################################################### ## Private Object Methods ############################################################################### ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub _read_file { my $this = shift; my $file = shift; # Filename my $type = shift; # Config file type my $fh = new FileHandle $file; if (not defined $fh) { carp qq(Unable to open "$file"); return undef; } $this->{file} = $file; $this->{type} = $type; TYPESW: { # Default: name=value pairs $this->_read_nv($fh); } close $fh; 1; } ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub _read_nv { my $this = shift; my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) { next if /^\s*#/; next unless /\S/; chomp; ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $_, 2); $this->{resource}{lc $name} = $value; } 1; } ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## 1; __END__ Synopsis: use CfgFile; # Create a new object $conf = new CfgFile "file.cfg" # Get a resource value defined in configuration file $value = $conf->get_resource($resource); Configuration File Syntax Currently, the only syntax is name=value pair format. Example: PATH=/some/path/here name=John Doe E-Mail=jdoe@foo.org # This is a comment Foo=bar Blank lines are ignored. Any line starting with the '#' character is also ignored. Resource names are case insensitive. Hence, "FOO", "Foo", and "FoO" are all the same resource. If the same resource occurs more than once in a file, then last one defined is used. Alternate configuration file syntax maybe added in the future. End