From: "Scott Ainslie" <dmi(_at_)webmail(_dot_)co(_dot_)za>
Unfortunatly I don't have the specifics as this has happend 2 or 3 times on
a client server and I don't have the logs with me.
Which is a shame, because without the specifics I doubt anybody will be able
to help.
When you get them, please provide:
1) Version of fetchmail
2) Contents of .fetchmailrc
3) Results of "fetchmail -v -v" for a problem run, and the matching mail
logs for that run
I personally have never seen a problem with any form of attachment related
to fetchmail, and that includes vcards.
Please DO NOT send me ANY email directly unless it's a privacy issue.
Reply-to mangled to assist those who don't read the above.
Rob | What part of "no" was it you didn't understand?