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Re: [Asrg] Economic model is borken. (sic.) Let's fix it

2003-03-08 09:01:32
From: "Eric S. Johansson" <esj(_at_)harvee(_dot_)org>

how to operate a VCR and is suspicious of remote controls.  Telling her she 
needs to add a special field and have that field found by antispam filter 
whenever she orders something online?  Not bloody likely.

A stamp model simplifies the entire process because it is done
without requiring any human interaction.

The first part of that is right, but the second part is wrong.  You
require her to sign up for stamps, to agree to require them on her
incoming bulk-looking mail.  That won't happen.  She can see the
benefit of using email and google, but the benefit of receiving somewhat
less spam is too theoretical.  When you tell her that signing up will
block a lot of spam, but not all, she unconsciously think you're
exaggerating and never get around to it.

Vernon Schryver    vjs(_at_)rhyolite(_dot_)com
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