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Re: [ietf-dkim] New Issue: Base: Upgrade indication and protection against downgrade attacks

2006-02-15 10:19:25
> For example, say a vulnerability is found in sha1 and a future spec
> defines sha256 as the stronger hash alg. A dutiful signer will
> generate a sha256-based signature and an sha1-based signature.

It may not be obvious to all why this problem shouldn't be addressed simply by an operator of DKIM verification software making a local policy decision to ignore signatures which use insecure algorithms. Perhaps the danger here is wrapped up in some assumptions about that operator as follows:

a) it assumes that the operator of the verification software is attending all our conferences and reading our mailing lists so that they discover current and future vulnerabilities

b) it assumes they will recognize that the verification software they are using (which was procured from a vendor) is vulnerable (actually using the compromised algorithm)

c) it assumes they will be using verification software actually capable of the granularity necessary to select which algorithms to accept and which to ignore

d) it assumes they will obtain sufficient motivation to take any corrective action at all

Anyway, just some additional thoughts along these lines.


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