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RE: [ietf-dkim] How to reconcile passive vs active?

2006-08-07 10:32:15

From: Damon [mailto:deepvoice(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com] 

Speaking as a real live, currently employed, sysadmin 
(numbers bigger than all the scientists in the entire world 
put together --- just kidding with you Phillip)... "Yikes!"
Do I need a separate email for when I am living out of a suitcase for
6 months at Holiday Inn too? (I know I can use the same one 
as my mailing list address) Now the guy I emailed is using 
that address in his address book. Note to self, email him and 
get him to change it.
Can we figure something else out that doesn't require me (or 
my 200k+) users to have to remember two separate addresses, 
the cases to use each, and remember what the second one is 
the first time they have to use it in 5 years?

The address in question is simply the address to which the mail is directed, 
the To address used by the mailing list.

You would have to subscribe under your own name to post to the list.

Aww fishpaste. 

It could be made to work but you would have to do auto-fixup on the outbound 
mail as well as the inbound. Ugh.

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