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Re: [ietf-dkim] Signalling DKIM support before DATA

2006-08-08 12:37:19
On 2006-08-08 11:43, Scott Kitterman wrote:

Sounds like false hope to me; as a big receiver, I can't imagine that
I'd ever want to blindly trust assertions made by an unknown sender.

As both you and John L point out, this is a big issue. That's why I was thinking about it being something in DNS related to the policy record so that it would be at least slightly harder to lie about it. It's also why I started with IF... I recognized that if it can be trivially spoofed, then there's no reason to do it.

We can accomplish that much without any changes to SMTP:

- SMTP conversation happens as per usual
- receiver looks up MAIL FROM domain, checks SSP
- receiver decides whether to accept the message and check the signature, or reject based on non-DKIM-related criteria

Or am I missing something?

J.D. Falk, Anti-Spam Product Manager
Yahoo! Communications Platform Team
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