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Re: [ietf-dkim] SSP Responsibility Delegation - Security Concerns

2006-08-17 09:31:43
On Thursday 17 August 2006 11:44, Bill(_dot_)Oxley(_at_)cox(_dot_)com wrote:
Big gaping hole, I may assume that can determine the
author/originator but how to differentiate or not sign a spoof?

It gets back to is the signer controlled or uncontrolled.  Only a controlled 
signer is suitable for SSP delegation (this would be a contractual matter 
between the ISP and their customers).

Typically, today, ISPs that allow foreign mail identities operate 
uncontrolled.  That is, any user authorized to use the MSA is allowed to use 
arbitrary identities.  This would have to change.  I expect that for large 
ISPs it would be impractical to go back an validate their entire userbase and 
so this might be offered as a premium service for the class of customers that 
would care.

Operationally for an MSA this is trivial (at least based on my experience with 
Postfix, my MTA software of choice), the major challenge is the 
administrative effort needed to verify authorization to use an address. 

When we get to writing the internet draft with the SSP specification, I will 
volunteer now to write the words explaining all this so people have no excuse 
if they screw it up.  I will keep writing until there is agreement that the 
issue and how to mitigate it is described accurately.

Scott K
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