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Re: [ietf-dkim] Handling the errata after the consensus call

2009-03-07 00:41:37
On the contrary, moving DKIM **forward in the standards process** sends
exactly the proper message: that DKIM *is* stable enough for us to
advance its standards level.

Remember, advancing along the standards track has serious constraints on
the types of changes permitted to the spec. It is *not* an indicator of
instability, but instead is an indicator of its stability.

If we were to come out with a 4871bis *without* also attempting to move
it forward on the standards track, then I agree that we'd be sending a
bad message to the industry. But I don't think doing a bis without
concurrent advancement is being seriously considered -- I'm certainly
advocating moving it to Draft Standard.

        Tony Hansen

Michael Thomas wrote:
I frankly don't see the point of a -bis document, and so long as the errata
shows up reasonably close to the top in a google search, I think that the
dev front should be fine. Invoking another round of IETF process at this
point sends exactly the wrong message: that DKIM is not stable. DKIM
has been remarkable in its stability and interoperability, so sending that
message would be a real shame.

       Mike, dev-by-google-consensus is the new "rough consensus
         and running code"

DKIM Chair wrote:
Pasi, Stephen, and I had a conference call to sort out where we can go with 
errata, the idea of a 4871-bis, and so on.  This summarizes what we think, 
we'd like the working group to go, and what the working group needs to 

The first point is that while 2/3 of the working group prefer the stronger 
more extensive clarifications in the "Dave draft" (realizing that he's the 
editor, and that others were involved in drafting this; it's a convenient 
way to 
refer to it) to the more minimal, more "errata-type" update of the "modified 
Eliot draft", Pasi thinks the discussion shows neither text is probably 
appropriate as an RFC Editor errata (that skips the usual IETF consensus 
process).  Dave's changes, in particular, introduce new terminology and make 
enough changes in how the affected areas of the spec are worded that Pasi 
believes -- and thinks the IESG as a whole will agree -- that it needs to go 
through the full process of getting community input and rough IETF consensus.

He is sure, though, that the IESG will be happy to handle this 
expeditiously, and 
so we recommend that Dave's draft be processed as an RFC that updates RFC 
This will mean that we have come to agreement on the text, but there are 
constraints about the length, and the outcome can include text that some 
would interpret as changes to RFC 4871.  Since Dave's draft has a clear 
behind it, we'd like those who disagree with some parts of it to help with 
it more acceptable to everyone -- or most of us, anyway -- so we can get it 
as a 4871 update.

Next is the question of how to put it out and what to do with the other 
which are non-controversial.  We could handle them as normal errata, put 
draft out as an update that resolves that item, and then start work on 
4871-bis would be.  We're concerned, though, with the lack of visibility of 
errata, and we note that some of these errata are important for people to 
when they're implementing 4871.  That might make it worth taking one of 
these two 
paths (and this is what we'd like the working group to decide):

1. Include the other errata into Dave's draft, leave the whole thing as "old 
/ new text" format, and put it out as an RFC that updates 4871.  There would 
no rev of 4871, and implementors would need to use both documents.  Work on 
4871-bis from there.

2. Include the other errata and Dave's draft into a 4871-bis, which would 
obsolete 4871 and make sure that implementors get the right version.  
would go out as "old / new"; the merged document would be a rev of 4871.  
Work on 
4871-ter from there.

Then there's the question of where ADSP stands, and whether it can proceed 
as is, 
or needs to be changed in light of the "errata".  Pasi may have some 
comments on 
this, and I know the working group will.  We've been holding ADSP up for a 
and we need to release it and move it forward.

We would like to get the decisions of how to proceed sorted out before the 
Francisco meeting, and to use the meeting time in San Francisco to 
at each other</strike> come to the agreements and compromises that we need 
to get 
this done.  We'd like to be able to confirm these decisions on the mailing 
and move ahead shortly after the San Francisco meeting.

Responses to this message should stay in this thread, until we decide to 
sub-threads off.


Barry Leiba, DKIM working group chair  (barryleiba(_at_)computer(_dot_)org)

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