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RE: How mailing lists really work in 2004

2004-12-07 01:29:13

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

??? Are they not proposing Domain Keys ???

Which is why I think Yahoo will not be a problem.

But this does bring interesting point as since there are yahoo people here 
perhaps they can be kind enough to set a test mail list with setting such
that it does maximum level of modifications to emails, so we test various
solutions on it.

Also regarding majordomo2, I also use it and as far as I know you cant 
force it to change existing html part of email - it can however add
additional footer to email and that can be html (but this is nothing
new and other maillists do it too). Majordomo does allow to set various 
other parameters to decide what kind of messages would be accepted and
not accept messages that are too long, contains certain banned words,
has certain types of attachments, etc.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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