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RE: MASS BOF Agenda and Proposed charter

2005-07-14 18:34:30

[mailto:owner-ietf-mailsig(_at_)mail(_dot_)imc(_dot_)org] On Behalf Of

On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, wayne wrote:

The draft charter is actually at

Secondly, this appears to be aimed at, basically, rubber 
stamping the 
DKIM drafts.  Is there any real point in people outside the DKIM 
design committee contributing anything?

This sentence in particular makes makes me particular worried:

"The specification will be based on the <draft-*-dkim-*.txt> draft
  documents and will make only the minimal changes deemed essential
  to the viability of the service"

To me that means that any discussions or suggestion of change 
to current draft can be ruled outside the scope of 
discussions and in fact I'm uncertain why with sentence like 
that WG is even necessary as authors could as easily send it 
as individual submission since they appear to not be 
interested in discussion any core issues.

That is actually how the IETF was originally intended to function.
People bring a specification that has a solid core and a significant
degree of engineering effort. The WG then works on producing a
specification that is based on the central principles and core but is
better documented and the IETF accepts change control of future

There is no shortage of work that needs to be done that builds on the
basic core. But the WG is not intended to be an open forum for people to
bring their header based email signature scheme along. If people want to
do that they can ask the ADs for their own working group and they can
assemble their own coalition of support.

Verisign also developed a very similar technology, as did other parties.
The reason that we did not put them on the table as well is that doing
so would not help advance the objective of getting Internet email signed
on a widespread basis.

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