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Re: MASS BOF Agenda and Proposed charter

2005-07-15 11:19:35

On July 15, 2005 at 05:19, "william(at)" wrote:

While that happened in couple cases, in majority that I know of parties
bring in one or more specification and IETF sits down and selects best
parts on technical level for standardization. That some company or group
or companies have already implemented it in private is almost never enough
for IETF to put a "stamp" on it (most such work goes into informational
RFCs, i.e. see Verisign's RRP), for example when VLANs spec was developed
cisco had ISL and while key parts of it are what went into 802.1Q, it is
not the same and having ISL deployed was not way to push IETF to adapt it.

Yep.  When a party (especially a business) has already sunk costs into
developing something, they are very resistent to embrace any changes,
even if such changes are for the better.  They have their budgets to
consider, and from their perspective, that tends to out-weight what
is best for community.


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