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RE: QUERY: Key Server Choices

2005-07-26 20:04:59

--- "Hallam-Baker, Phillip" <pbaker(_at_)verisign(_dot_)com> wrote:

If that's really it, then my current implementation would see 
q=xkms and 

Authentication-Results: dkim=neutral

I assume that you agree that my implementation is correct.

Provided that is consistent with the policy record. IE if the policy
record says that every message is signed with q=dns then q=xkms is an

Hmm. This is an interesting definition of "optional". I think any xkms-type
proposal needs to be optional for the receiver too - which is what Michael's
sample implies. However, the way you're casting it is that the sender could
dictate to  the receiver that they *have* to fetch via xkms, is that correct?

If so, that's not something I could support as I don't want senders deciding
that I have to initiate xkms fetches to achieve a base level of authenticated
email. An optional augmentation beyond authentication sounds fine, but as a
base level, no.

By optional augmentation, I had something in mind along the lines of where this
thread started; namely optional fetches for reputation/accreditation. For that
part, I could support an xkms-type fetch.


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