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Re: The cost of choices

2005-07-29 21:10:47

On July 29, 2005 at 14:58, Michael Thomas wrote:

subdomainof ($test, $domain) {
    if ($test is improper subdomain of $domain)
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

Shouldn't subdomainof return TRUE if $test is a proper subdomain
of $domain?

verifysignature () {
    return TRUE if public key verify succeeds, FALSE otherwise;

verifysignature => verify_signature

dkim_verify () {
  if ($i == NULL) {
     // i is missing, default to $d and null
     $i_localpart = "";
     $i_domainpart = $d;
  } else {
     // split into constituent parts
     $i_localpart = localpart ($i);
     $i_domainpart = domainpart ($i)
  // make certain that the domain in $i is a subdomain of $d
  if (! subdomainof ($i_domainpart, $d))
      return NOVERIFY;
  // enforce the granularity requirement
  if (! regexmatch ($i_localpart, $g))
      return NOVERIFY;
  if (verify_signature ())
      return VERIFY;
      return NOVERIFY;  

General comment: It may be useful to have different indicators
specify why the signature did not verify.  Make failure report
analysis much easier.

$outsideheaders = "From, Sender";       
$from = ; // 2822 From: address in msg

dkim_bindToOutsideHdrs () {
   foreach ($hdr in $outsideheaders) {
      if (dkim_bindToHdr ($hdr) == BIND) {
         if ($hdr != "From") {
             $policy = dkim_signerPolicy (domainpart ($from));
             if ($policy == strict || $policy == nomail)
                 return FAIL;
                 return PASS;
         } else
             return PASS;
   return NEUTRAL;

To clarify, the SSP is only checked if i= does not match From?
Even if the signature RSA validates.

dkim_receiver () {
  // first do the verification operation
  dkim_verify ();
  // now see if they bind
  return dkim_bindToOutsideHdrs ();

I still think it is possible to do "partial" spoofing.  For example,
a malicious domain can bind to the rfc2822.Sender address, and if the
rfc2822.From SSP allows 3rd-party signing, malicious domain can
send out messages with whatever rfc2822.From as long as they use
a rfc2822.Sender in their domain.  Due to this, no one should
ever enable 3rd-party signing.

MUAs tend to highlight only the rfc2822.From and not the
rfc2822.Sender.  It seems to me that if DKIM is going to be accepted by
the end-user community, MUAs will need to become DKIM-aware so proper
verification indications can be displayed to message receipients.


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