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Re: Proposal to change sieve: URL syntax used by the ManageSieve protocol

2008-09-23 05:37:13

Section 3:

        sieveurl-script = "sieve://" [ authority ] "/" scriptname

* IMAP URLs made the mistake of confusing the identity used to authenticate with the identity that owns the script. This makes IMAP URLs cumbersome. I would strongly encourage a naming model that separates the two and keeps the script owner explicit. For example:

  sieveurl-script = "sieve://" [ authority ] "/" owner "/" scriptname

What about
   sieveurl-script = "sieve://" [ authority ] "/" [owner "/"] scriptname

And missing [owner "/"] implies authentication ID = authorization ID

1). opinions on whether you think this change is a good or a bad idea

2). if you know of any application using existing <sieveurl-script> form (with no "owner").

I used kio_slave on my old computer some years ago, but to what I remember as "root" I could edit only the global scripts, not the users' ones. By enhancing the URI with owner-part, the "root" can access anyscript by just changing the URI (and the client software then issues an UNAUTHENTICATE/AUTHENTICATE commands to access it).

Alternatively the URI could be "sieve://" [[ owner "@" ] authority]...

As next one could think on a way how the "root" or any other who can access the script of more than one person can retrieve the list of script-owners, s/he has access to (in means of URI and protocol command).

Със здраве,