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Re: Semantics: per user policy

2004-05-09 01:00:35

Greg Connor> 
In other words, if there are features which are only useful to a minority
of domains, but in cases where it is, there is a pretty clear need and no
clear workaround, should it be on the table and at least talked about in 
terms of cost?

Yes. You, Bill and Roy have good arguments for per-user granularity in
particular circumstances. The cost-benefit is really difficult. Early
adopters gain benefit as each new deployment is made, so there's an
advantage in bolting on all the features that could possibly be of use to
anyone. However, it's seems to me that there's a tipping point, when the
costs of staying out of MARID become significant - MARID-scheme users are
scoring-up your mail because you aren't publishing a record - at this point
the C/B changes, and non-publishers have an incentive to change their
practices to fit with what can be done with MARID.

This gives me a headache.