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Re: Proposal for new Attribute packet

1998-03-11 02:26:26
* Lutz Donnerhacke wrote:
* Hal Finney wrote:
Lutz Donnerhacke, <lutz(_at_)taranis(_dot_)iks-jena(_dot_)de>, writes:
I see. Is is now allowed to add a zero certificate to the key as described
in the formal draft? Zero certificates can hold the key expiration time and
related entities. So defining a JPEG subtype in the signature allows to
bind it even to the key, but this cannot be certified by others.

I don't know what your "formal draft" says a zero certificate is.
There is nothing in the draft OpenPGP Message Format spec called a
"zero certificate".

You know at as '0x02: Standalone signature.'

Forget this. Jon introduced a new type: '0x1f'