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Re: Parser abilities, and MDCs (Re: pointers to openpgp-interopknowledge base?)

2001-11-08 13:07:54

At 7:02 AM +1300 11/9/01, Peter Gutmann wrote:
Urgh, I hope no-one interprets it that way.  The partial-length encoding is
incredibly painful to use with its silly power-of-two restriction (you can't
just say "This is what I've got so far, the next lot starts here" but have to
chop it up into little power-of-two length pieces just to fit the *&#^$&#*
length-encoding mechanism).  GPG uses the definite-length format where it can
and 0xA3 where it can't (compressed data), something I agree with

What I'm mainly concerned with as far as interoperability on this point is whether implementations support segmented packets, and the interpretation of of the data is consistent across implementations.

john noerenberg
  While the belief we  have found the Answer can separate us
  and make us forget our humanity, it is the seeking that continues
  to bring us together, the makes and keeps us human.
  -- Daniel J. Boorstin, "The Seekers", 1998