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Re: Settling the TIGER question

2003-03-06 17:50:48

On 6 Mar 2003, Derek Atkins wrote:

Yes. And double-width SHA as well. Is there a reason for MD2?

SHA2 might be interesting in the not-to-distant future; I'd recommend
leaving it in.

Yes, definitely leave SHA2 in. (I think I was one of the people who pushed
to have it added.) "SHA2", or rather "SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512" are hash
algorithm ids 8-10.

What I'm refering to above is the hash algorithm id 4 -- "double-width

I would like to see hashes 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 remain, and if possible,
hashes 4, 5, 6, and 7 removed.