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Re: OpenPGP/MIME changes

2006-07-19 16:28:29

On 2006-07-19 13:44:13 -0700, Jon Callas wrote:
* OpenPGP/MIME work. We have issues with OpenPGP/MIME and
interoperability with it. ... At the other end of the scale,
tidying up OpenPGP/MIME means coming up with a profile of an
existing standard.

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 16:08, Thomas Roessler wrote:
So, the current OpenPGP/MIME spec is already relatively strict
and actually takes away some of the degrees of freedom that the
original PGP/MIME left open.  Would you care to elaborate a bit
more about what points you'd like to clean up?

Look back a ways in the archives to the various tabled discussions on 
OpenPGP/MIME and the other variants (inline/partitioned) for email.  I 
remember significant issues being discussed around offline signature 
verification on binary attachments, signatures on signatures (chain of 
evidence), and interoperability issues on the layout of MIME parts.

All of the issues that I mentioned above from memory are issues that are 
directly important to me that I would be participating heavily in working 
on fixing.  This working group correctly tabled a lively discussion on 
some of these issues over a year ago to focus on getting 2440bis 


   - Brian