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Poulsen Wireless became Federal Telegraph; then IT&T!

2000-08-03 13:58:27
 NOTE: PBS' "Silicon Valley 100-year Renaissance"
Which played last night had a photo of which I have
the original.  My family had several properties which
were in the vicinities of the Golden Gate Park, Haight
Ashbury and Ocean Beach. There was the original MUSEUM
which became the DeYoung Museum, but first of course
there was the Cal Expo Midwinter Fair of 1894-in which
the Museum figured prominently with it's own 
"SGT. PEPPER's BAND!" Again, I have the PHOTO of them 
in their "BEATLE'S" uniforms playing in front of the
MUSEUM! This was either the 3rd or 4th  "WORLD's
Now, beside the Ocean Beach Chalet which is a replica
of yet another of the buildings, there was the
orignal,and that had been at one time the first
weather station-and had contained the famous stuffed
Grizzly Bear that for years later would 'greet' every
kid upon entering the doors at Steinhart Aquarium.
building out by the beach had been moved a few times,
and was supposedly the FIRST POULSEN WIRELESS STSTION!
Known later a Federal Telegraph Co., it was moved back
East becoming International Telephone &
Telegraph!(IT&T)As far as I know we had nothing
whatsoever to do with the technolgy. On the other
hand-there has always been the thought? Gee-I wonder
if the City, or WHOEVER
"diddled us out of our PRIMO Land in the PARK?" Why
the question? well, for a family which has been here
from the beginning, contributed splendidly, etc. the
question is...."Wouldn't the 'REASONABLE MAN' rule
dictate that the scion of such a group of creative
industrious happy fun-loving people be 'indulged' a
little in his INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ("The ART of the 20th
Century!")attempts to keep the 'low-brows' from
RUININ' the place? I mean here is a design (GIANTS)
that is in perfect step with the MUNI LOGO, CABLE CAR,
etc. and as the OAKLAND 'A's "TECH JOB FAIR" for
'TICKET STUB' advertisement shown on PAGE B-8 of the
SF.CHRONICLE same day- at bottom of the ticket.....
SEC 128   ROW 14    SEAT 7, well, MY SUGGESTION HAS
ALWAYS BEEN to have the MUNI TRANSFERS which are SIX
FIGURED to have WHOEVER gets "614275" to get a FREE 
PRIZE of SOME KIND...etc. And as the number is perhaps
as frequent as once a day (everyone is required to
take a transfer as proof of purchase) etc. And the
advertisment could be (as I also have pointed
out!)ODDLY ENOUGH something along the lines of the
picture on August 2, 2000 Chronicle SPORTING GREEN 
front page picture; 'game-winning two-run home run in
the 10th' which features a clutch of ballplayers with
back-of-shirts (NUMBERS) 
to the reader, and together in a string seem to 'say'
something like....."318539" ....or such? I cannot see
any LEGITAMATE 'reason' why the GIANTS (or anyone else
for that matter! We live in a city where the head of
the 'art commission' for a side-business charges
$1,000,000 (ONE MILLION BIG ONES!) 'a gig' to plan
"your party" for you! Yet everyone can't figure out
whats' real and what's Schlock? about
leaving it to someone who had a BACKGROUND in SAID
SUBJECT? I especially cannot see how all the major
clothing labels here in town couldn't throw a crumb or
two, and then of course they have been exposed-but
then look at society in general? The revelation of how
low these freaks are didn't ring any bells because we
are all 'being changed to a lower life form.
practically by the hour NOW! The city has changed-but
this is more like a "VENDETTA!" If I own it, and it is
in the LIBRARY of CONGRESS and you could make a buck
or two from it more than from the garbage you pretend
to create...? NO! Becuase it is that kind of a thing!
I really used to think that we weren't talking about
the Park Property much because it must have been our
own fault-but seeing an old newpaper account or two-it
looks like we got the short end ofan ILLEGAL "Immneent
Domain" or soemthing? I have no idea-but it is well
known that this city used to be more CONTROLLED than
CHICAGO or NEW YORK ever was! And that is why
Humourous comparison with Orwell's "1984" vs.  1894! I
as a futuristic designer am not worrying about the 
possible scenarios in future with technology-but am
amazed how some 'new civic and corporate leaders' from
New York City with Italian names, who originated in
RUSSIA? could get all the old "HOOVER FILES" from the 
local IRISH COPS, FIREMEN, and PRIESTS, and continue
to run the "MACHINE" pulling all the strings etc. I
used to think we had an "old uncle Jack" somewhere who
was blackmailing the family, or had cashed in the Gov.
Bonds, etc. NO, no, it was just the CITY HALL having 
sold themselves to the highest bidder. Funny how
INSIGNIFICANT the past seems today when I think of how
many other things there are to think about. And I have
GOOD NATUREDLY offered my services to many
corporations based here in the City, like one which
would let the guy whostrted ROSS STORES work for them
because MY GOODNESS! he was commuting from SAN RAFAEL!
This same group-the guy who never gave me a "No" thay
made him the all time big boss of the deal for all
time-although he was jsut a janitor-and they used
slabve labor in SAIPAN, and they are promoting the
AIDS QUILT as their 'logo?" Gee. No hard feelings, but
what is the RELIGIOUS FERVOUR that dictates that
everything be turned to "COCKROACH RESIDUE?" Hummm?

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Casey Farrell; Designer


This Letter and All Contents Copyright 2000 Casey Farrell
All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2000 Webmaster(_at_)oh-yeah(_dot_)net

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Casey Farrell; Designer


This Letter and All Contents Copyright 2000 Casey Farrell
All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2000 Webmaster(_at_)oh-yeah(_dot_)net

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 c/o        PENNIES and Edmonds LAW FIRM 

                Palo Alto,  California

  Dear Sirs, 

        I am a very contempory artist working in NEW MEDIA, including the 
INTERNET, and am 

currently 'running into'  ALOT of what appear to be BRIGANDS who are either 
trying to "HOLD ME UP" ( in TIME & EXPENSES) or just plain old SCUTTLE my 

  For over a decade I have met with and conversed with the INFORMATION AGE 
'greats' and as yet have not been suffuciently appreciated to have won over the 
kind of funding which surely should have been granted just "on spec" to someone 
who comes from a good background, and who has been PUBLISHING for some time on 

PRIME NUMBER CODES, etc. I have consulted with BELL LABORATORIES, & IBM 

My ideas are presented on a weekly basis somehwere. Generally at the 
ENGINEERING level, but as the INTERNET is becoming more and more like 
HOLLYWOOD, ( a trend  I had pointed out some years ago) many of my older 
designs which I had COPYRIGHTED are NOW...QUITE PLAUSIBLE!

  And as these include claims on names such as BIG STAR, CALIFORNIA STAR, etc. 
(DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR,  ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE, etc.) I want to point out that I 
have claims in DOMAIN NAMES also! And further would like to find out if some 
form of collusive (even if only by teen hackers!) invasion of my computer files 
and e-mails might have 'thrown me a curve?' Please see this design here-

 This is one the left a schematic to allow for CHINESE & ENGLISH Web-Portaling. 
This is probably the FIRST and still the BEST proposal!

 What happened  though was although I had pretty much "re-invented" this 
UNDER-UTILISED Chinese word, I really had some troubles with the DOMAIN NAME 
REGISTRATION as  reflected in the BETTERWHOIS search! 

and below another simple design below, and the website will be at

  I would like to speak with one or the other of you on these matters and a few 
others, confidentially-as you might guess there has been a rather long train of 
abuse of my person whether by neglect caused by ignorance-therefore not being 
taken on rightfully as an originating Author

or spurned by 'copycat' imitators-I never volunteered to work for free, nor did 
I ever send out anything without claim of Copyright. I set a price for my 
services, and notified those I could when I could of any situation in which I 
believed that a FEE was OWED ME!  One propblem is NOT just that everyone is 
"slightly in cahoots" but that they are so DAMN DUMB! I can't even imagine how 
some people fell for the "NEXT COMPUTER CONTEST" just to name one scam which 
came off without so much as a protest there in 'Silly Con Valley', but it did! 

  But I guess we come from a long line of "NICE GUYS" proven by the old family 
gaff-we owned the 

"DeYoung Museum", before the DeYoungs! Well, we weren't the ONLY STUPID PIONEER 
FAMILY that got taken in that "CIVIC IMPROVEMENT!" ....("NEXT!")

So here we are in Y2K and I want to "DISPOSE"  of SOME my INTELLECTUAL 

in return for fair market value. Could you first help me "RECOUP" on my TIME 

where and when I have been IMPOSED UPON in disregard of the US CONSTITUTION? 


    Thank you,

      Casey Farrell

tel: (415) 664-2489


  Note: forwarded message attached. 

Casey Farrell; Designer


This Letter and All Contents Copyright 2000 Casey Farrell
All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2000 Webmaster(_at_)oh-yeah(_dot_)net

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Casey Farrell, Designer                        Aug. 2, 2000

Attn: Leigh Steinberg, David Dunn, Scott Parker, & Jeff Moorad

             Dear Sirs-

   Do you think Bobby Bond's Digital Interiors or yourselves (SM&D) might be 
interested in acquiring

this amazing designwork which is in essence the  'digitalization' of the word 
"GIANTS" and is just would might be neccessary in the future at PAC BELL PARK 
when some kid wants to pay for his 

TEE-SHIRT with his NOKIA PHONE! The BEEPER CODE world that we live in's NUMBER 
ONE cultural icon is the KEYBOARD or the PHONE PAD? Either way....take a fast 
look, if you will, 

  I was hoping that someone there might help me broker the sale to the CEO of 
VER!O? His name is  Justin Jaschke, and he is in Englewood, Colorado. I think 
he miught be very interested as he was 

originally here in the San Francisco area working for Pac Tel in the wireless 
phones! I have his email which I just got from Hoovers and if you'd like to see 
if he might be interested I would sure like to 

try and do a trade or something with you guys. Here is his e-mail: 

  You might have to move fast though, see they are selling to Japan pretty 
soon-so he might be switching jobs soon? 

  Oh, I had the design listed in the SF SUNDAY EXAMINER for around about a 
Million Dollars. 

  Please let me know what your fee schedules are on  a deal like this. Thank 

         Casey Farrell

tel: (415) 664-2489


Casey Farrell; Designer


This Letter and All Contents Copyright 2000 Casey Farrell
All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2000 Webmaster(_at_)oh-yeah(_dot_)net

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